My name is Rachael Ann Kulik. Some call me 'Rae' for short.

I am a Boston Artist and Broker.

Initially I came to Boston for School - I attended Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and eventually graduated with a Bachelors' of Fine Arts in their Community Art Education program, with Painting as my Studio Concentration. I enjoy working with a variety of traditional and digital mediums - acrylic, gouache, watercolor, ink, and more, and have interests in linear design and structure (breaking it apart, redefining it and putting back together). I also have interest in some aspects of Graphic Design, work with Adobe Creative Suite and am a musician on the side. I play guitar and sing.

But becoming an Agent was random and completely unexpected. A lease renewal from summer break turned into a job opportunity that changed my life forever. As an Intern, I was immediately surrounded by beautiful homes, unique architecture and amazing people. I loved it - so much I obtained my Salespersons' License first moment I could. I was lucky enough the same woman who'd hired me as her Intern took me on as her Agent too. Thanks to her, and my Mentors who eventually purchased the business, I'm proud to say I'm still here (and as of 1.24.2017,  now a Broker as well). 

One wouldn't think Art and Real Estate could integrate well with one another, but for me they do. Wether it's documents, advertising, business cards or property photographs, I find myself using my skills as an Artist and Educator in my profession on a daily basis. I enjoy it. I feel as though i've finally found my place, and my purpose in what I do. It wasn't until customers began asking if I'd had an Artist website that I finally decided to make one - I hadn't realized until now how much both sides of my life overlapped with one another.

While not all my work is on here, I plan to continually add more (old and new) every day. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what i'm able to currently share.

Thank you for visiting. 

- Rachael Ann Kulik